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I've always been fascinated watching stroopwafels being made fresh at the markets in the Netherlands and gave them a try at home. Lekker!

Thick slices of delicious banana bread filled with pineapple and coconut
Tropical Banana Pineapple Bread

Stroopwafels have hit America and are here to stay. It used to be that you could only find hard, stale ones at select stores but now brands like Daelmans, Rip van Waffel, and Zingers can be found on store shelves in almost any city. You can find them in the health food section sold as power food for your long distance endurance training, they are at Costco in bulk size boxes, handed out on airplanes as in in-flight treat, and any type of store in between.  But they're still not the same as a hot and fresh stroopwafel made before your eyes at a weekly Dutch market.

​But guess what I started working on this week in my own kitchen? That's right, we're all going to need a double gym membership after I get done fine tuning the flavors in my own, homemade stroopwafels. I'm even making my own syrup. They can't get much fresher than this!

If I get them just right you might find them for sale in my shop soon.


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